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Jin Zhuanglong, Secretary of the Party Leading Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the new industrialization

Article source:The station Upload time:2023-02-20

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that a new type of industrialization should be basically realized by 2035, stressing that the focus of economic development should be placed on the real economy, the new type of industrialization should be promoted, and the building of China into a strong manufacturing country should be accelerated. The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2022 stressed the need to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and made arrangements for the development of China's manufacturing and digital economy. This has pointed out the forward direction and provided fundamental compliance for the development of Chinese industry and informationization enterprise. We must fully understand and accurately grasp the significance of advancing the new type of industrialization, the situation, the mission and tasks we face, earnestly align our thinking and actions with the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, and work hard to implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and see tangible results.

First, we have a profound understanding of the significance of promoting new industrialization

Promoting new industrialization is an inevitable requirement for realizing Chinese modernization. Industrialization is the prerequisite and foundation of modernization. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since reform and opening up, we have accomplished in a few decades the industrialization process that took Western developed countries hundreds of years, and created a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability.  Both history and reality show that China, a big developing country with a population of over 1.4 billion, needs to follow the general rules of world industrialization and, more importantly, take a new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics in light of its national conditions. On a new journey in the new era, this new type of industrialization has new connotations and features. It is an industrialization that adheres to the direction of reform of the socialist market economy, adheres to a high level of opening up, and speeds up the building of a new development pattern. It is an industrialization that takes as its starting point and goal the aspiration of the people for a better life and promotes common prosperity for all. It is about building a modern industrial system and accelerating progress towards the middle and high end of the global value chain. It is about maintaining harmony between man and nature and promoting green and low-carbon development. It is about adapting to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation and promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. To advance the new type of industrialization, we must accurately grasp the characteristics and connotation of The Times, change the mode of development, innovate the path of development, and speed up the process of Chinese-style modernization with the new results of the new type of industrialization.

Promoting a new type of industrialization is the fundamental support for building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. The twenty leading members of the CPC have outlined a blueprint for building China into a great modern socialist country, which will basically realize socialist modernization by 2035 and become a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the middle of this century. To achieve this ambitious goal, we must substantially increase our economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and overall national strength, achieve self-reliance in science and technology at a high level, build a modern economic system, form a new pattern of development, basically realize a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and basically modernize national defense and the armed forces. Industry is the foundation of a country's comprehensive national strength, and an important support for building a country strong in agriculture, science and technology, quality, space, transportation, cyberspace, digital China and a world-class military. For a big country like China, without a strong industry, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of becoming a modern power. We must accelerate a new type of industrialization, build China into a manufacturing powerhouse, strengthen, improve and expand the real economy, and provide a strong material foundation, technological support and moral impetus for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

On Nov 21, 2022, the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft and the Long March-2F carrier rocket were transferred to the launch area. Wang Jiangbo/Xinhua

On Nov 21, 2022, the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft and the Long March-2F carrier rocket were transferred to the launch area. Wang Jiangbo/Xinhua

Space technology is the concentrated embodiment of a country's industrial level and scientific and technological level. On Nov 29, 2022, a Long March-2F spacecraft carrying the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center with complete success.

Promoting new industrialization is the urgent need of building competitive advantage of great powers. The real economy is the capital of China's development, an important support for building strategic advantages in the future development, and the foundation for winning the initiative in international economic competition. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since reform and opening up, China has established an independent and complete industrial system with various categories, which has provided strong support for the sustained and rapid development of the national economy, and significantly enhanced its confidence and confidence in calmly responding to various risks and challenges at home and abroad. In today's world, science and technology and industry are the focus of great power competition. In the face of increasingly fierce international competition, we must accelerate the new type of industrialization, achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, protect the world's most complete industrial system, improve the resilience and safety of industrial chains and supply chains, enhance the position and competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in the global division of labor, and ensure that China can win the initiative in the game of great powers.

Promoting new industrialization is a strategic choice to achieve high-quality economic development. Industry is the main engine of economic growth and plays a key role in stabilizing the macroeconomic market. Industry is the main battlefield of technological innovation. It is the field where innovation activities are the most active, innovation achievements are the most abundant, innovation application is the most concentrated, and innovation spillover effect is the strongest. According to statistics, industry accounts for less than 20 percent of GDP in the United States, but 70 percent of innovation activities are directly or indirectly based on industry. Industry provides raw materials, energy and technical equipment for all sectors of the national economy. It is an important field to achieve the goal of "double carbon" and an important pillar to meet the needs of the people for a better life. Without high-quality development of industry, there will be no high-quality development of economy. To promote high-quality economic development, industry is the key, but also the difficulty. We must accelerate a new type of industrialization, fully, accurately and comprehensively apply the new vision for development, promote technological progress and structural upgrading, and bring about changes in the quality, efficiency and driving force of economic development.

2. Accurately grasp the new situation facing the new type of industrialization

At present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is gaining momentum. The global industrial structure and layout are undergoing profound adjustment. Our new-style industrialization faces new situation, opportunities and challenges coexist.

Our country is in an important threshold period for transformation from industrial power to industrial power.  The competitiveness of enterprises has been significantly enhanced. However, in general, Chinese industry is still in the middle and low end of the global value chain, its autonomous and controllable ability is not strong, and the pattern of big but not strong industry has not changed fundamentally. We are in a critical period of transformation from a big manufacturer and network power to a big manufacturer and network power.

A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation gained momentum. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation featuring the cross-integration of next-generation information technology, new energy, new materials, biomedicine, green and low-carbon technologies is booming, leading the development direction of the science and technology industry and opening up huge new space for growth. The Internet, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other next-generation information technologies are making breakthroughs at a faster pace, deeply integrating and innovating with the manufacturing industry, and fundamentally transforming the production mode, development model and enterprise form of the manufacturing industry. The world's major industrial powers have formulated and published manufacturing development strategies, strengthened forward-looking planning, clarified development priorities, strengthened government guidance and policy support, and seized the commanding heights of competition and the initiative in development. To adapt to new trends in industrial science and technology and keep pace with The Times, we must accelerate a new type of industrialization, give full play to the advantages of a new nationwide system, make continuous efforts to innovate in key and core technologies, foster more new technologies and industries, open up more new fields and track tracks, and strengthen new drivers and vitality for development.

The structure and layout of the global industry are undergoing profound adjustment. At present, the restructuring of global industrial chain, supply chain and value chain is deepening. The supply chain layout of multinational enterprises has shifted from the traditional cost and efficiency orientation to greater emphasis on resilience and safety, showing new features and trends such as localization, regionalization and diversification, and driving a profound adjustment of the development pattern of the global manufacturing industry. At the same time, international competition in the field of advanced manufacturing is becoming increasingly fierce. Developed countries are pushing forward "re-industrialization" and the repatriation of high-end manufacturing. Emerging economies are actively undertaking international industrial relocation by virtue of their cost advantages. In the face of the profound adjustment of the global industrial structure, we must accelerate the new industrialization, give full play to the advantages of China's socialist market economy system, the supply advantages of the world's most complete industrial system and the advantages of large scale market demand, coordinate both domestic and international markets and resources, based on the domestic cycle, promote the domestic and international double cycle. We will accelerate the development of new advantages in global competition.

The United States is escalating its crackdown on China's advanced manufacturing industry. In recent years, the United States is suppressing the advanced manufacturing industry in China. Our industrial and information development is facing a more severe and complex external environment, which is a key step to advance the new industrialization. We need to balance development and security, keep a bottom-line and limited-thinking approach, strengthen confidence and resolve, maintain strategic focus, address immediate concerns while taking into account long-term concerns, and run our own affairs well. To speed up the new type of industrialization, we must accurately identify changes, respond to them in a scientific way, actively seek change, and be good at turning crises into opportunities. We will deepen reform across the board, pursue innovation-driven development, accelerate efforts to tackle key and core technologies, strengthen weak links and build long ones, and upgrade the industrial foundation and modernize the industrial chain. We will open wider to the outside world at a high level, combine "going global" with "bringing in", and deepen international industrial cooperation.

Third, strive to write a new chapter in the development of new industrialization

To advance a new type of industrialization, we have a glorious mission, great responsibilities, broad prospects and arduous tasks.  We will fully implement the medium - and long-term strategy for manufacturing and the 14th Five-Year Plan for development, focus on intelligent manufacturing, deepen the integration of IT application and industrialization, accelerate the building of a modern industrial system, consolidate the industrial foundation for new development patterns, and provide strong support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

Promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial system. We should uphold the real economy, especially the manufacturing sector, consolidate the advantages of the complete industrial system, keep the manufacturing sector's share in GDP basically stable, and avoid turning from real to virtual. We will speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, vigorously promote equipment upgrading and technological upgrading of enterprises, accelerate mergers and reorganizations of key industries such as steel, increase industrial concentration, and enhance the position and competitiveness of traditional industries in the global division of labor. We will consolidate our leading position in advantageous industries, strengthen our strengths in the whole industrial chain in new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, mobile communications, and electric power equipment, and create more business cards made in China. We will foster and strengthen emerging industries, focus on key areas such as next-generation information technology, new energy, and new materials, work harder to tackle key technological challenges and apply achievements to build new growth engines. We will make forward-looking arrangements for future industries, enrich and improve application scenarios, cultivate industrial ecology, and seize the commanding heights of future competition. We will strengthen the key supporting role of the equipment manufacturing industry, especially high-end equipment, carry out key projects to tackle key technological and equipment problems, accelerate the development of major projects for large aircraft and "two-aircraft" aircraft, promote high-quality development of industrial mother-aircraft, optimize and improve the first-set insurance compensation policy, and accelerate the development of high-end medical and advanced agricultural machinery and other special equipment. We will develop advanced defense science, technology and industries and consolidate an integrated national strategic system and capabilities. We will vigorously develop producer services and integrate advanced manufacturing with modern services.

The manufacturing industry is the main front to promote industrial transformation and upgrading. In recent years, Bengbu City, Anhui province, relying on its traditional advantages in the field of "micro-electro-mechanical system", actively builds the intelligent sensing industry and strives to realize the transformation and upgrading of industrial intelligence. A picture shows the production line of intelligent sensor control chips at Anhui Yuxin Semiconductor Technology Co LTD in Bengbu, east China's Anhui Province, Nov 30, 2022. Xinhua News Agency reporter Du Yu/Photo

Improve the industrial science and technology innovation system. Innovation is the fundamental driving force for new industrialization. We will strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, encourage the concentration of various factors of innovation in enterprises, support enterprises in enhancing their innovation capabilities, and fully stimulate their innovation vitality. We will tackle key core technologies in key areas, give full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system, implement new mechanisms such as "revealing-ranking", and speed up breakthroughs in a number of core technologies and landmark strategic products. We will promote the deep integration of innovation and industrial chains, and build a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the main role, the market is the guide, and enterprises, universities, research institutes and applications are fully integrated. We will promote the efficient transfer and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, encourage in-depth cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientists, and accelerate the engineering and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. We will build a number of manufacturing innovation centers and increase the supply of key generic technologies in key industries. We will establish a system of high-quality manufacturing standards, strengthen the systematic and international distribution of industrial standards, and guide industrial innovation and development through standardization. We will strengthen the distribution of patents in key industries, and enhance our ability to create, apply, protect and manage intellectual property in industrial fields. We will strengthen the construction of innovative personnel, and train a number of leading industrial technology innovation personnel and high-level innovation teams.

We will improve the resilience and safety of industrial and supply chains. The industrial chain and supply chain must not fall off the rails at critical moments. This is an important feature of a major economy. We will carry out the industrial infrastructure reconstruction project, focus on strategic needs related to development and security, identify weak links that are "clogged" or "unshackled", strengthen weak links and forge long ones, improve the autonomy and control of the industrial system, and ensure a smooth circulation of the national economy under extreme circumstances. We will deepen efforts to strengthen and stabilize key industrial chains, give full play to the leading role of "chain owners", and strengthen collaboration between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, as well as large, small and medium-sized enterprises, to promote the development of the whole industrial chain. We will adjust and optimize the distribution of the industrial chain, accelerate the development of a number of world-class advanced manufacturing clusters, further improve our ability to ensure the supply of strategic mineral resources, and strengthen capacity reserves and backup in key links of the industrial chain. We will improve the environment for industrial safety development, carry out industrial competitiveness surveys and industrial safety assessments in key areas, and establish sound industrial relief mechanisms and policy systems.

We will promote high-end, intelligent and green development. To meet the people's growing needs for a better life, take industrial and consumption upgrading as a foothold, strengthen quality brand building, enhance the supply capacity of high-end products and services, and constantly improve the suitability of the supply system to domestic demand. We will deepen the smart manufacturing project, promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other next-generation information technologies with the manufacturing sector, promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector, accelerate the development and application of 5G, data centers and other new information infrastructure, and deepen the innovative application of the industrial Internet. We will actively yet prudently promote green and low-carbon industrial development, carry out the carbon peaking campaign in the industrial sector, comprehensively promote green manufacturing, raise the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of industrial resources and the level of cleaner production, and build a green production system that is resource-conserving and environment-friendly.

Comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. If industry is strong, enterprises must be strong. We will give full play to the role of large enterprises as the main force and small and medium-sized enterprises as a new force, strengthen the gradient cultivation of high-quality enterprises, and stimulate the vitality and impetus of micro-entities promoting a new type of industrialization. We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, promote entrepreneurship, enhance the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, promote the development and growth of the private sector, and speed up the development of world-class enterprises. We will support leading enterprises in growing stronger and bigger, and speed up the cultivation of large enterprises with international competitiveness and eco-oriented enterprises with control over industrial chains. We should attach equal importance to management and service, give equal attention to development and support, accelerate the improvement of the working system, policies and regulations system, and high-quality and efficient service system for small and medium-sized enterprises, cultivate more specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote their high-quality development. We will give full play to the advantages of large enterprises in technology, standards, capital and human resources, and the supporting role of small and medium-sized enterprises in industrial innovation and strengthening and stabilizing chains, support their deep integration into the supply chains of large enterprises, and foster a sound environment for their integrated development.

We will modernize industrial governance. We will uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over promoting a new type of industrialization, improve an organizational system that integrates horizontal coordination and strong implementation, and ensure that the major decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee are implemented. We will continue to better integrate effective markets with successful governments, highlight management strategies, management plans, management policies, and management standards, strengthen industry guidance, strengthen services for enterprises, and improve the industrial governance system. We will improve the way industrial policies are implemented, maintain the security of industrial chains and supply chains, and enhance industrial competitiveness. We will continue to deepen reforms in delegating oversight, regulation and services and in key areas, and promote efficient coordination between industrial development and scientific and technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources. We will improve the system of policies, regulations and standards, speed up the legislative process in key areas, and comprehensively promote law-based administration. We will open wider to the outside world at a high level, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, foster a market-based, law-based and world-class business environment, support foreign companies in investing and doing business in China, and encourage competent companies to take a deep part in global industrial division of labor and cooperation.

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