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Eleven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a document to promote the coordinated development of new information infrastructure

Article source: Upload time:2024-09-05

Eleven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health Commission, the People's Bank of China, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and China National Railway Group Corporation, jointly issued the notice to deploy and promote the coordinated development of new information infrastructure. The Notice combines the technological development trends of new information infrastructure and the needs of economic and social development, with the goal of promoting coordinated development and the key direction of promoting cross regional, cross network, and cross industry collaborative construction of new information infrastructure. It proposes seven main aspects of work, including "1 overall planning and 6 coordination", namely national overall layout, cross regional coordination, cross network coordination, cross industry coordination, development and green coordination, development and security coordination, cross departmental policy coordination, etc.

Notice on Promoting the Coordinated Development of New Information Infrastructure

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Unicom Letter [2024] No. 165

To the communication management bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the industrial and information technology competent departments, party committee network information office, education department (education commission, bureau), finance department (bureau), natural resources competent department, housing and urban-rural development department (bureau, commission), agriculture and rural (agriculture and animal husbandry) department (bureau, commission), health commission of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Shanghai headquarters and branches of the People's Bank of China, railway bureau group companies, China Railway Holding Joint Venture Railway Company, China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd., China Radio and Television Network Group Co., Ltd., China Tower Co., Ltd., and all relevant units:

The new information infrastructure is an infrastructure system based on information networks and driven by innovation in new generation information and communication technologies, providing fundamental digital public services such as perception, transmission, storage, and computing for the digital transformation of the economy and society.  

1、 Strengthen the overall planning and layout of the country

(1) Overall planning of backbone network facilities. Basic telecommunications enterprises should strengthen the overall planning and construction of national inter provincial trunk fiber optic cable networks, jointly build important routing fiber optic cables, increase the accessibility of important nodes, and expand the application of new high-performance fiber optic cables. Develop medium - and long-term plans for international communication facilities, balance the layout of international communication import and export bureaus in the eastern, central, and western regions, and accelerate the expansion of international submarine and land cable information channels. Collaborate with transportation, energy, and other related enterprises to plan and construct cross-border infrastructure such as international land cables, international railways, and international oil and gas pipelines.

(2) Optimize the layout of computing infrastructure. Each region should implement differentiated policies on energy consumption and land use, and guide the deployment of large and super large data centers, intelligent computing centers, and supercomputing centers that provide services to the whole country and regions at hub nodes. Support the collaborative construction of data center clusters and new energy bases, and promote the coordinated development of computing infrastructure with energy and water resources. Strengthen local data center planning, reasonably layout regional hub nodes, and gradually increase the proportion of intelligent computing power. Encourage enterprises to develop computing power cloud services and explore the construction of national or regional service platforms.

(3) Reasonably layout new technological facilities. Conditional regions should support enterprises and institutions in building standardized public datasets for industry applications, creating influential universal and industry-specific artificial intelligence algorithm model platforms, and deploying regional artificial intelligence public service platforms. Coordinate the construction of blockchain infrastructure and promote cross chain interoperability and interoperability. Reasonable layout of quantum computing cloud platform facilities.

2、 Strengthening cross regional balanced and inclusive development

(1) Promote the integrated development of major strategic regional facilities. Each region should deeply implement the regional coordinated development strategy and major regional strategies, strengthen the regional coordination of new information infrastructure, and deepen cross provincial planning and construction cooperation. The network organization of basic telecommunications enterprises can reasonably break through administrative restrictions and promote the development of backbone nodes in the region towards fully interconnected networks. The central city and surrounding areas should coordinate the layout of computing power facilities, and carry out cross provincial direct connection and computing power resource scheduling of data centers as needed.

(2) Deepen balanced and coordinated development among regions. The developed eastern regions are taking the lead in exploring new models for the construction and application of 5G-A and artificial intelligence, while the central, western, and northeastern regions are accelerating the construction of gigabit cities to achieve balanced development of 5G and gigabit optical networks. The western region should reasonably layout major computing power facilities in areas with obvious comprehensive cost advantages, and explore the construction of super large artificial intelligence training computing power facilities. Border provinces utilize external cooperation mechanisms to create international information hubs with geographical advantages. The old industrial bases in Northeast China accelerated the construction of facilities such as "5G+industrial Internet".

(3) Promote the integration and inclusive development of urban and rural areas. Various regions should continue to deepen universal telecommunications services, promote the construction of 5G and fiber optic networks in rural areas, and improve the quality of network coverage in rural governance, agricultural production, and farmers' lives. Accelerate the construction of "broadband border" and promote broadband network coverage in key scenes such as administrative villages, rural schools, border management and trade institutions, border roads, and coastal waters in border areas.

3、 Strengthen cross network coordination and linkage development

(1) Promote end-to-end collaborative upgrading of various networks. Basic telecommunications enterprises should deepen the construction of "dual gigabit" networks, collaborate on the construction of 5G and gigabit optical networks, promote the integration of IP bearer and optical transmission, and promote the synchronous expansion and upgrading of access networks, metropolitan area networks, and backbone networks. Continuously building a mobile Internet of Things system that promotes coordinated development between low, medium, and high speeds. Jointly promote the integration of satellite communication systems with ground mobile communication networks, data centers, and backbone networks. Deepen the scale deployment and application of IPv6, promote the evolution of IPv6 technology and innovative development of applications.

(2) Encourage the coordinated development of networks and computing power facilities. Basic telecommunications enterprises should strengthen the planning of network collaboration, build direct networks between national data center clusters, regional data centers, and national data center clusters, and increase the connectivity of fiber optic cable networks. Actively carry out research and development of network integration technology, enhance the ability of unified management, unified scheduling, and intelligent orchestration of network resources, and achieve cloud network edge integrated intelligent scheduling and services. We will encourage companies in computing power to rely on innovative computing power interconnection services such as the new Internet exchange center, promote computing power interconnection, and explore the construction of computing power Internet.

4、 Strengthen cross industry integration and shared development

(1) Promote the integrated development of information facilities and traditional facilities. All localities should organize and carry out the special action of "signal upgrading", promote the scale deployment of "5G+industrial Internet", and thoroughly implement the action plan of "penetration" of the industrial Internet identification analysis system. Coordinate the construction of vehicle networking roadside facilities along highways and urban trunk roads. Intensive deployment of urban perception terminals, unified construction of city level IoT perception terminal management and data analysis platform. Comprehensively build a real-life 3D China, establish a digital China space-time base and data fusion platform. Improve the basic platforms of national spatial information, spatiotemporal big data, urban information models, etc., promote the integration of platform functions, and provide a unified spatiotemporal framework for urban digital transformation.

(2) Deepen cross industry co construction and sharing of infrastructure. The communication management bureaus in various regions should work together with relevant industry regulatory departments to improve cross industry coordination mechanisms and establish a cross industry co construction and sharing demand list. Promote two-way open communication, municipal, transportation, power, public security and other fields of resources such as towers, pipelines, optical cables, computer rooms, etc. In the construction of new subways, tunnels, bridges, and other scenarios, it is necessary to plan and reserve space for the deployment of communication facilities in advance, and provide power guarantee.

5、 Building a green and low-carbon development model

(1) Promote the green and low-carbon development of key facilities. Basic telecommunications enterprises should cooperate in building a green and low-carbon development statistical indicator system and carbon management information platform for the information and communication industry, constructing green data centers, and conducting green and low-carbon level assessments of data centers. Promote the green transformation of traditional communication rooms, update old communication equipment and supporting equipment in the rooms, and strengthen the application of energy-saving technologies in base stations. Various regions should introduce policies to encourage enterprises to use green electricity and support them in using their own premises to build green energy facilities.

(2) Promote the coordinated development of facilities and environment. Various regions should strengthen the collaborative design of communication base stations, iron towers, computer rooms, fiber optic cable junction boxes and other facilities with buildings and structures, and innovate integrated and diversified beautification construction plans. Encourage local governments to increase policy and funding support, and support the comprehensive renovation of communication poles and lines.

6、 Enhance comprehensive security capabilities

(1) Enhance network and data security capabilities. Basic telecommunications enterprises should strengthen the coordinated construction of network security facilities and information infrastructure. Relevant enterprises should cooperate in conducting maturity evaluations of network security capabilities, strengthen risk assessments of new technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, and strictly implement security management requirements for IoT network cards. We need to establish and improve a data security management system, strengthen the identification, filing, and graded protection of important data, enhance data security monitoring, early warning, and emergency response measures, conduct data security risk assessments, and improve data security capabilities.

(2) Enhance cross industry security service empowerment. Local communication administrations should organize relevant units to upgrade and improve the national industrial Internet security technology monitoring system, and support key industrial Internet enterprises and Internet of Vehicles enterprises to build networks and data security technology monitoring means. We will promote the implementation of classified and graded management of industrial Internet security, and filing of graded protection for Internet of Vehicles security, accelerate the implementation of safety protection standards, and strengthen the real name registration management of Internet of Vehicles cards.

(3) Enhance the stable and secure operation capability of information infrastructure. Local communication management bureaus should guide basic telecommunications enterprises to conduct operational security risk assessments, strictly implement the "three synchronizations" requirements, and classify and manage important network elements. Basic telecommunications enterprises should do a good job in communication safety production, improve measures for earthquake resistance, disaster prevention, fire prevention, lightning protection, etc., strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and resolutely curb major safety accidents.

7、 Strengthen cross departmental policy coordination

(1) Give full play to the guiding role of factor allocation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will coordinate the medium and long-term planning of spectrum resources, optimize the allocation of frequency resources, and encourage the sharing and use of spectrum resources. Establish a sound cross departmental working mechanism, optimize the approval process for international submarine cables, and ensure the demand for sea land for international submarine cable construction. Each region should provide policy support for information infrastructure land layout planning, construction approval, environmental assessment, etc., and incorporate vector data of information infrastructure spatial layout into the "one map" implementation supervision information system of national land spatial planning at all levels.

(2) Collaborative promotion of cross disciplinary standardization work. The organization of standard work for new generation communication networks, data and computing facilities should strengthen collaboration and accelerate the development and application of integrated standards. Relevant industry standardization organizations should establish a cross industry integration standard coordination mechanism and accelerate cross industry standardization work. Relevant departments in various regions should strengthen the implementation of national and industry standards for the construction of new information infrastructure projects, and improve the construction standards and acceptance specifications involved in the joint construction and sharing of related facilities.

(3) Increase investment and financing support. Various regions should make full use of existing funding channels to support projects such as universal telecommunications services in rural and remote areas. Standardize the implementation of new mechanisms for government and social capital cooperation, and guide social capital to actively participate in investment operations. Establish a sound mechanism for government bank enterprise cooperation and coordination, leverage the role of the national industry finance cooperation platform, and encourage various financial institutions to provide credit support for new information infrastructure projects.

8、 Strengthen organizational implementation

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with relevant departments, organized relevant units to improve the collaborative work mechanism, optimize resources and policy support, promote the solution of major issues encountered in the layout and coordinated development of the new information infrastructure system, strengthen guidance and coordination for basic telecommunications enterprises and Internet enterprises, and promote the implementation of key tasks.

(2) Strengthen collaborative implementation. The communication management bureaus, industrial and information technology departments in various regions should work together with relevant departments to improve local coordination mechanisms, ensure smooth work connections, strengthen top-down linkage and regional horizontal coordination. Each region should carry out local new information infrastructure layout planning, promote collaborative construction and coordinated development.

(3) Strengthen evaluation and effectiveness. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will organize relevant units to explore the construction of a national monitoring platform for the systematic development of new information infrastructure, establish a data collection and reporting mechanism with widespread participation from various regions and related enterprises, strengthen monitoring of the coordinated development of new information infrastructure, regularly conduct third-party analysis and evaluation, and evaluate important links.

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